
Evolving for Expansion

Project Type Software, Print
Period 2017-2019
Role UI/UX Designer, Front-End Developer, Graphic Designer

Corebridge found early success by creating a digital management system that helps businesses manage and automate their critical processes like sales, logistics, inventory, and more. By customizing their software to fit the needs of each client, Corebridge carved out a fitting niche in the Print industry.

As their company grew, Corebridge recognized opportunities in additional markets, and turned their focus to expanding into industries with similar needs. Realizing their product would need to become more streamlined and feature-rich as it grew, Corebridge brought me in to lead design for the evolution of their platform.

I collaborated closely with the product manager to build the experience and functionality of the new product, meeting with and presenting to the executive team on a weekly basis. The end product had to be easily adoptable for a diverse base of users, many of whom struggled with tech literacy. We needed to fit in a wide range of features to appeal to the needs of different industries, while making sure the experience wasn’t overwhelming. We created a customer portal, dashboards, form builders, automations with conditional logic, and more, and upgraded the capabilities for the CRM, project management, and fulfillment portions.

Over the course of this project, I designed hundreds of unique screens, element states, and iconographies. My focus was making the interface clean and easy to understand, reducing user friction, and ensuring consistent styling. This approach led to huge time-saving benefits and much less headaches for both Corebridge managers and their clients. Now, Corebridge can be confident bringing their software into new industries.

Clarity, Consistency, and Communication

The key to achieving a successful interface across the entire system was consistency and simplicity. I designed an in-depth style guide with reusable patterns and standardized styles that was accessible to their team.

Working with such a large development team can create a lot of inconsistencies, and having such a comprehensive style guide went a long way to help bridge the gap between design and development. The style guide also helped them build a cleaner code base, which put the team in a better position for success down the road.

Corebridge UI Elements

Our product team created hundreds of visual guides for all of the app's features using Sketch

“(Lynsey) is very good at the design and UX side of what she does. Just as important, she is experienced enough to have opinions, confident enough to assert her ideas, and experienced enough to know when to push the client and when to yield. It is a pleasure working with her.”

Scott St.Cyr, CTO, Corebridge