Turner Industries

Modern & Mobile Solutions

Project Type Mobile, Software
Period 2017-Present
Role UI/UX Designer, Front-end Developer

Turner Industries is the 7th largest company in Louisiana, boasting over 50 years in business, nearly 10,000 employees, and numerous construction and safety awards. Working as an industrial contractor, Turner conducts construction and maintenance for plants and refineries all across America. With over half a century of success, their recent efforts have revolved around modernizing and increasing efficiency. I worked with Turner to design several mobile and web-based applications to help improve safety and efficiency.

Turner Tablet

Modernizing Site Safety

Turner already has a fantastic safety record, but they wanted to increase efficiency in the field while becoming even safer. A tablet application made perfect sense to improve accountability and organization while centralizing data and providing reporting.

Our team’s focus was on function, complimenting the workflow, and making the transition as easy as possible for field workers. Simplicity and adoption were key goals. Careful execution of hierarchy, spacing, and contrast went a long way in making the process intuitive.

By using colors and icons as simple, recognizable visual cues, we made the functionality more easily digestible and set up the workers for quick adoption. Collaborating with the Turner team in agile development cycles resulted in a streamlined app that we will continue to evolve.

Since its release, Turner Tablet won an award from Constructech for its improvements to field safety and cost savings.

Turner Tablet Screens

Turner Pipe Fabrication

An Interface Built For Speed

Every week, the Turner Pipe Fabrication Team thumbs through hundreds of fabrication drawings to enter the data into a desktop web application for processing. This process is necessary but extremely time-consuming. I worked with the development team to build a submission process that makes entering data as quick and easy as possible.

The challenge in streamlining this process was that many team members were navigating the app quite differently. Some team members preferred navigating the app by mouse while others relied heavily on the keyboard. Some rarely looked at the computer screen at all while submitting data.

To make the experience as easy as possible for all users, the team tested many iterations of the new interface. To help users overcome old habits and adopt new ones, we introduced some new features. I used the brand color scheme and clear hierarchy to make the functionality intuitive and positioned for fast adoption. Through repeated collaboration with the developers and the users, we created a simpler and more streamlined experience.

Turner Pipe Fabrication Screen & Elements

TIG Benefits

Clarity Creates Confidence

Turner has so many employees that their benefits are managed through their own internal website. The problem was that employees were getting confused by the existing interface, resulting in mistakes and extra time spent by the HR department. With so many employees using the same system, people were having difficulty finding the right options and getting consistent information.

My goal was to make this process clear and intuitive, reduce headaches for HR, and increase employee confidence when making a decision.

Spacing, hierarchy, and consistency went a long way in clarifying options. Using intentional color codes and common interface patterns helped make the experience consistent and familiar. I also designed a mobile-friendly interface with responsive elements for an optimized small screen experience. After the design was approved, I created a series of templates with HTML and Sass for the developers to use in their implementation.

The new TIG Benefits website now processes 9-11,000 employees per year. Technical support calls have dropped dramatically since its release. The average session has seen a 5-minute improvement and mobile usage has increased to 50% of overall traffic.

A new “comp” from Lynsey is always a welcomed phrase in our planning sessions. We trust in her knowledge and experience to guide us through our toughest business challenges. She instantly becomes one of the team with an undeniable determination to make the best product for our users. Her creativity has helped us break through technical barriers in our industry, and we would highly recommend her services.

Lindsey Roussel, Product Team Supervisor, Turner Industries